Tiko Kerr | A Conflence of Evidence
- Tiko Kerr
- "A Conflence of Evidence"
- Acrylic and collage on acrylic
- 3x (7 inches x 17 inches/framed) x 2 inches
- 2020
Within the painting process exist opportunities to both illuminate and to obfuscate.
"I’ve chosen to work on the modest medium of plexiglass at a time when it has taken on a new and important role as a transparent, protective barrier that can shield us from an insidious virus and, at the same time, isolates us from one another. It is also at this contemporary moment when we all are suffering under the omnipresent burden of distorted socio-political issues where transparency and truth can no longer be taken for granted." (Tiko Kerr)
These plexiglass works provide an opportunity to look closer and deeper, to explore networks in paint suspended mid-stroke and to challenge the authenticity of what we see.
In the tradition of Twombly and Pollock these explorations may also offer a small window onto an indescribable cosmos.